How do I prepare for an Iboga ceremony?


Health screening: 

Make sure you have reviewed your health history and disclosed all information to your Iboga Provider.  If you have certain health conditions, working with Iboga maybe unsafe. Also, if you are taking certain pharmaceuticals or other drugs, you should not take Iboga at the same time period.  We recommend everyone get an EKG to ensure you have a healthy heart prior to working with Iboga.  


There is no strict diet required to prepare for Iboga.  However we recommend a clean and healthy diet as much as possible leading up to your retreat.  A healthy and untaxed digestive system will allow you to better absorpb the medicine. It also tends to reduce the occurance of purging via vommitting during your session.   Also, since the medicine won’t have to focus as much on cleaning and detoxing the body, it can more quickly get to the spiritual / psychological / emotional work wtih you. 

Prepare to Unplug: 

Remember- you will be unplugged from technology and internet for the majority of this retreat.  Organize your affairs in advance so you have nothing to worry about during your time here. Let people know you will be unplugged so that no one is expecting to hear from you.  During this time, you will be going within and focusing on your relationship with yourself. 


The main preparation for an iboga ceremony is simply to focus on becoming aware of you and your life. We recommend that you grab a notebook or a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the center of it. On one side of that line write down all the things you don’t want in your life or want less of in your life, (e.g., no anxiety, less stress). Then in the other column write down what you want in your life or what you want more of in your life (e.g., peace of mind, happiness). Finally, on the back of that paper we will ask you to generate questions around these focal points.

State of Mind: 

Finally- to prepare- we recommend coming in to the experience with the following: 

-An open-mind / few expectations:  Iboga works with everyone in a different way, and everyone has a unique experience.  Let go of what you believe Iboga will be like and surrender to being in the present moment with the process as it unfolds for you.  

-Excitement:  Iboga is a great teacher who has helped countless people better their lives.  Be excited for this process!

“Why do I have anxiety and how do I get rid of it?”

“How do I not get stressed out over stuff? How do I not get stressed out over  ______?”

“Why do I not have peace of mind? How can I attain peace of mind?”

“How can I have more happiness in my life?”

This process will assist you in having clarity and truth about what matters to you in your life. There will be a point in your ceremony that you will have a chance to directly ask your soul and the medicine these questions.


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